Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Really, another blog?


I hope you are all having a happy, shiny day.  I am, and, thankfully,  I am  also stomach-ache free, and have been so for just over a week. 

Over two weeks ago, I decided to bite the bullet of "gluten free". It has been a long time coming.  My initial diagnosis  ( celiac disease) was in 2004, however, since then I have either ignored or digestive-enzymed my way around it. 

Until about a month ago.

My hair started to fall out and I was constantly tired. Weird, right? ( note: sarcasm) I had also started to put on weight that I was completely unable to get rid of.  Totally upset, party due to my ego/vanity,  I went to the doctor who ran a "rainbow" of blood tests. ( a rainbow is a med-savvy way to say everything you can think of).  Lo and behold, I have major vitamin deficiencies, most specifically Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 deficiences. 

These deficiencies can cause a myriad of health consequences, and both can lead to the almighty feared "C" word.  Yuck.  Hence the gluten free living. Believe me, it's not always easy. Or fun. Or awesome. Or yummy.  But it can be. It will be! I am cooking more, baking more, and exploring more foods.

I say these things not for a pity party, but to bring awareness to this autoimmune disease. More and more individuals are diagnosed with celiac disease or other forms of gluten intolerance on a regular basis, and it is critical to understand this disease and how to live without.  

Thus I created this blog.  After reading blogs such as glutenfreegirl and glutenfreeonashoestring ( both I highly recommend), I went on a search. I searched for a blog in the Inland Empire dedicated to gluten free recipies, eateries and the like. There were none.

Thus this blog began. 

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